Lower Germanic Limes added to World Heritage List
The northern ‘Limes’ (the Latin word for border) of the Roman Empire ran through the Netherlands two thousand years ago, along the Rhine. To protect this border – part of the longer border through Europe , Asia and North Africa – Romans built watchtowers and army camps here.

Track 61 – The myth of F.D. Roosevelt’s railroad
There are, of course, many stories as well as myths about American presidents. A little-known myth is that of Track 61, a railroad that was supposedly built especially for U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. What exactly is this story about?

Belshazzar’s feast – Mene mene tekel upharsin
In the Bible book of Daniel it can be read that during a feast of the Babylonian king Belshazzar a proverb suddenly appears on the wall. Everyone sees the text. It says Mene mene tekel upharsin. However, no one knows what this spell means. Only the Jewish exile Daniel can explain the text.

Treaty of Breda (1667) – End of the Second Anglo-Dutch War
‘May I have Alexander the Great’s nose from you?’
Hans Lippershey and the very first telescope

What do the stars in the flag of China stand for?
The flag of China is quite famous. It consists of a red field with a large yellow star in the top left corner. To its right, four smaller stars can be seen in a crescent. What do these stars actually stand for?
Saint Veronica – The woman who dried the face of Jesus
‘May I have Alexander the Great’s nose from you?’

Hans Lippershey and the very first telescope

Betsy Ross and the Flag of America

American history
Track 61 – The myth of F.D. Roosevelt’s railroad

Saint Veronica – The woman who dried the face of Jesus

‘May I have Alexander the Great’s nose from you?’

Hans Lippershey and the very first telescope

Betsy Ross and the Flag of America

Sony presents the Walkman (1979)
On June 21, 1979, Sony presented the first Walkman, a portable cassette player with headphones that could be taken along during a bike ride or…

Saint Veronica – The woman who dried the face of Jesus
‘May I have Alexander the Great’s nose from you?’
Hans Lippershey and the very first telescope

Betsy Ross and the Flag of America

Westerbork transit camp – Concentration camp

Blanche Scott (1884-1970) – American pilot

Track 61 – The myth of F.D. Roosevelt’s railroad
There are, of course, many stories as well as myths about American presidents. A little-known myth is that of Track 61, a railroad that was supposedly built especially for U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. What exactly is this story about?

Saint Veronica – The woman who dried the face of Jesus

‘May I have Alexander the Great’s nose from you?’

Hans Lippershey and the very first telescope

Betsy Ross and the Flag of America

Westerbork transit camp – Concentration camp

Blanche Scott (1884-1970) – American pilot
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Track 61 – The myth of F.D. Roosevelt’s railroad

Saint Veronica – The woman who dried the face of Jesus

‘May I have Alexander the Great’s nose from you?’

Hans Lippershey and the very first telescope