Author: Editor

In the Bible book of Daniel it can be read that during a feast of the Babylonian king Belshazzar a proverb suddenly appears on the wall. Everyone sees the text. It says Mene mene tekel upharsin. However, no one knows what this spell means. Only the Jewish exile Daniel can explain the text.

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The international diving group Badewanne has discovered the year from which the unique shipwreck that lies at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. The wreck of a Dutch flute ship was found last year at a depth of 85 meters and is extremely well preserved.

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The northern ‘Limes’ (the Latin word for border) of the Roman Empire ran through the Netherlands two thousand years ago, along the Rhine. To protect this border – part of the longer border through Europe , Asia and North Africa – Romans built watchtowers and army camps here.

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